•Technology System Installs & Upgrades •Retreats & Conferences
•Team Building Seminars
Specializing in Generational Ministry Development, Worship Planning, Ministry Evolution, and Technology
Lectures, Conferences, Worship Services, Seminars, and more.
Joshua A Thomas
Joshua A Thomas has a track record of infusing creativity into areas of management, ministry, and media. From designing new systems to reach Millennials to developing structures to support multi-million dollar departments, JAT has the experience to help you take the next step.
JAT believes that creativity and fresh ideas are essential to ministry in the 21st century. With so many competing forces, it is the role of the church to design and craft effective and relevant ministry that is life changing in 2017. As an ordained Baptist minister with over a decade of experience, Joshua A Thomas has worked to both build new ministries and revitalize others with decades of history.
When charged with developing ministry offerings to reach Millennials, JAT developed a 24-month strategic plan to build excitement within the congregation about the Millennial program while also increasing the activity of this key demographic within the church. By using a creative, out of the box approach, JAT built a ministry for Millennials that has become a staple of the church’s life, in just 2 years!
Joshua A Thomas has developed a new visionary approach to project management. When given a project with a budget figure JAT does not take the simple path. Instead, JAT examines the organization to determine the best way for the organization to spend its funds. JAT believes that the desired outcomes, not the cool technologies or “slamming event” should be the driving force behind each project and event.
When asked to develop a retreat for a staff development exercise, JAT reviewed the mission of the organization and the desired outcome. Joshua A Thomas designed an out of state retreat to ensure that the organization was able to reach its outcome. This type of initiative is what separates JAT from the pack.
At the end of the day, JAT aims to ensure that the organization can achieve its goals and allow its vision to become a reality. Realized visions and dreams that become true are the calling card for JAT. If you are looking to infuse your ministry with new ideas or put together a plan for a new project or event, Joshua A Thomas is the best bet.